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Your generosity makes it possible for AYM to share Kriya yoga, meditations, and teachings of truth with people around the world
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Your steadfast support is vital in every aspect to AYM fulfilling its mission of empowering Self-realization seekers with meditation and yoga philosophy
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Swami Nityananda Gift
Swami Nityananda selflessly offers her wisdom without taking a salary. Your gift honors her giving and ensures she can continue to share her invaluable teachings
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Awake Yoga Meditation/Darshan Charitable Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization. All eligible contributions are fully tax deductible. Eligible contributions include gifts to Awake Yoga Meditation, and donations for workshops, playshops, and ecourses. Please note that payments for goods or services (for example: books, MP3s, and conferences), or gifts to Swami Nityananda, are not tax deductible.