The Balancing Act:

How to Walk Steady in Love and Truth in Everyday Life

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The Balancing Act

You meditate and pray. You attend meditation workshops and sign up for self-improvement courses. You practice Karma Yoga, listen to podcasts about the yogic teachings, and try your best to share kindness, open-heartedness, generosity, and goodwill. You’ve even watched old patterns melt away. But, just like a game of whack-a-mole, it seems like the moment you knock down one pattern, another one pops up to toss you off balance. A coworker speaks in a certain tone and anger arises. A friend doesn’t call you back after a few days and you feel abandoned. The job you were expecting doesn’t come through and you feel unsafe, unsure, unsteady.

Why do we feel unsteady and off-balance, even when we practice the yogic teachings as prescribed? How can we work with ourselves when we feel unsteady? What helps us to walk steady in joy, peace, wholeness, and truth in the midst of daily life? These are just a few of the questions that we’ll explore in our newest workshop, The Balancing Act: How to Walk Steady in Love and Truth in Everyday Life.

Discussion, journaling, group activities and meditation are included. We will be working from Swami Shankarananda’s book, Divine Protection: The Yoga of Psalm 91.


Workshop Schedule:

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Noon-3:00 p.m. EDT via Zoom

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How much does the workshop cost?

This workshop is donation based. Everyone who participates is asked to make a donation that feels right, fair, and generous. What is a workshop like this worth to you? How will it benefit and transform you? What value will it bring to your life? Whatever number you come up with, donate that. Donations for the workshop are made when you enroll in the course.

Meet the Workshop Leader


Kashi (Ashley) loves meditating, reading, and daily fruit smoothies. Her favorite quote is “Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached,” spoken by Swami Vivekananda and inspired by the Upanishads. Her main hobby is learning how to live with a pure and open heart.

She is a student of Swami Nityananda. The spiritual name Kashi, which means “shining of the Divine” and “sacred city of light,” was given by Swami Nityananda, the spiritual teacher of the Awake Yoga Meditation community.


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