Meditate on the Effulgent Reality.
Meditation is subjective communion with the Divine. It is calming and stilling the mind to become aware of the underlying presence of our own eternal clear awareness. Awake Yoga Meditation offers many meditation opportunities for adults and children, online and in person.
Meditation 101
Ready to try meditation but not sure where to begin? The best place to start is right where you are. To help get you started, you’re invited to explore our curated guide of time-tested tips, techniques, and tools that will infuse your practice with ease, joy, delight, and love.
Meditate at AYM
We come together in meditation, online and in person, every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. All are welcome.
Kriya Yoga
Kriya yoga offers a powerful set of techniques for self-transformation and self-liberation, and may be shared by Swami Nityananda with a qualified student upon request.
Meditate on a Prayer
As we pray, the consciousness, energy, and potential direct realization of these teachings fill us and flow through us.