We offer meditations for adults and children, spiritual discussion, and meditation instruction.
Sunday Morning Meditation for Adults
We open every meditation with the Gayatri Mantra, a powerful and sacred mantra that dissolves limitations and brings ever-present light of awareness more fully into hearts, minds, and lives. We meditate together and offer a prayer, usually from Swami Premananda’s book, Prayers of Self-Realization, which presents yogic principles and helps us lift our vision to our highest spiritual ideals, before diving into a meditation talk lead by Swami Nityananda.
Sunday Morning Meditation for Children
Sunday Morning Meditation for Children supports children from infancy to age twelve in exploring spirituality through lessons that include play, art, drama, and music. It is our pure joy to inspire the divinity of each child to unfold in an atmosphere of unconditional love.
Tuesday Darshan Meditation
We meditate together for about an hour. The meditations vary and have been carefully prepared beforehand; they are offered spontaneously without notes. Every time we meditate we harmonize ourselves and help make forward movement possible. Meditating with others supports, elevates, and uplifts us even more.
Friday Night Healing Meditation
We open with meditation, allowing ourselves to deeply enter stillness. Then a meditation talk is offered on a sacred scripture, often from the yogic tradition (the Yoga Vasistha, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita), or from the Buddhist tradition (especially the Dhammapada), or the Christian or Jewish traditions (New Testament scriptures, Hebrew Bible, Torah). Study of sacred teachings helps us focus on what is eternally true, and supports our self-transformation and fullest expression of our divine purpose as humans here to help one another and all. When we have a satsang, Swami Nityananda facilitates discussion of any and all spiritual questions and topics. On selected Fridays that are announced in advance we also offer workshops on transformative topics.