Awake Yoga Meditation eCourses
Guided meditations, sacred teachings, and inspiring stories have been lovingly curated into a beautiful selection of transformative eCourses. Video, audio, and written teachings are delivered straight to your inbox offering you a systematic approach to cultivate more joy, peace, courage, strength, and love in your life.
With every breath, we build a reservoir of greater light, we bring in more healing, more abundance, and more pure love. The energy we generate in our mindfulness practice initiates a transformation that continues working within us, even as we move through all the activities of our day.
The Spiritual Art of Intentions: Creating a Life You Love
Live a life filled with peace, joy, love, abundance, and well-being. Inspired by Swami Shankarananda’s Creating A Life You Love: 1001 Intentions, this 8-day eCourse lovingly guides you through a simple, but powerful 5-step technique to help you shift the focus from where you are in consciousness to where you want to be.
Pillars of Self-Realization: 50 Days with Swami Shankarananda
Experience a complete set of our founder’s pure teachings on meditation, service, love, and wisdom—the four pillars of peaceful, joyful living that lead to Self-realization.
Love: The Eternal Flame of Life within You
Transform your fear, doubt, sadness, hurt, and pain into love so you can consistently experience joy, peace, and freedom in your daily life.
Wisdom: Discovering the Peace in Our True Nature
Join us for a 15-day eCourse with essential teachings of non-dual awareness that reveal our own true nature. Swami Nityananda guides you through daily videos, spiritual principles, and practices that help you regain innate freedom, confidence, and limitless connection with the source of abundance, wisdom, and all that we adore.
Meditate! Boundless Joy in Your Body, Heart, Mind, and Life
Build a meditation practice that gives you benefits throughout your day. Join us for a 15-day eCourse featuring daily video lessons from Swami Nityananda that, when integrated into a daily meditation practice, will connect you with a current of insight, inspiration, and calm, clear energy.
Awake Living in Energy, Wisdom, Vision & Body
Activate the sacred source of vitality within you. Over 15 days of teachings inspired by Swami Nityananda’s new book, Awake: The Yoga of Pure Awareness. Work with simple, but powerful techniques that activate your own pure energy, wisdom, kindness, awareness, inspiration, healing, and insight—your Awakeness.
Be More Happy
Find your way into happiness from the inside. In this empowering 15-day eCourse, you’ll play with your ability to shift your focus using “I Choose,” “I Give Myself Permission,” and “I Am” and practice proven techniques that help activate the energy and frequency of happiness within you.
Moving Beyond Fear: Expanding Awareness and Pure Love in This Moment
Move beyond fear, pain, or grief and transform anything you would love to transform. Inspired by Swami Shankarananda’s Divine Protection: Yoga of Psalm 91, this 22-day eCourse brings to life foundational spiritual principles and 10 steps to transformation right now.
Divine Creativity
Would you love to feel divine creative energy pouring through your body, mind, and heart? Join us for this 16-day eCourse and open up to the flow of Divine Creativity.
Catch the Wave of Awakeness
Help bring peace, hope, and gladness in ever expanding ways to yourself and to all whom you encounter when you join this 16-day eCourse.
Embrace Gratitude, Love, and Bliss
Experience a stream of profound pure love and divine energy when you join this 40-day eCourse.
From Limitation to Light
Find yourself stuck in the loop of limitations? Be lifted into limitless spaciousness! Join this 40-day eCourse.
Heart of Transformation
Tap into your innate capacity to love and heal with mantra meditation when you join this 40-day eCourse.
Ignite Joy
Rejoice in the bright light of your being with yogic breath when you join this 21-day eCourse.
Lion-Hearted: Strength, Courage, Love:
Join this 16-day eCourse and explore transformative teachings to help you dissolve blockages and release radiance, freeing you to be your true divine self.
Write: Arise!
Take a 16-day journey inner journey through writing and meditation. Give yourself the opportunity to listen to the still small voice within that is always speaking to us.