Frequently Asked Questions


What is yoga philosophy?

Many people think of yoga as just physical exercises but this is only part of the philosophy. Its true goal is unfolding the infinite potential of the human mind and soul and affirming the unity that pervades the entire universe. Read more about yoga philosophy→.

What is meditation?

Meditation is subjective communion with the Divine. It is calming and stilling the mind to become aware of the underlying presence of our own eternal clear awareness. There are various techniques. For guidance, you can schedule an appointment for spiritual instruction with Swami Nityananda.

What is a swami?

A swami is a teacher (guru) ordained as a swami by another swami.

What is a guru?

The guru is not a person but the energy of pure Kindness and Grace that shines through a teacher and reminds us, "I, too, am That always."

Where are the Eternal Truths of Absolute Oneness from?

They are gathered from the ancient scriptures including the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Holy Koran, and the Holy Bible. Absolute Oneness acknowledges the underlying universality and harmony of all the living scriptures of humankind.

Why do some members of the community have Indian names?

The names signify spiritual qualities. Members of the community may ask for a spiritual name when they wish; Swami Nityananda will meditate and joyfully confer a name.