
Creating a Life You Love: 1001 Intentions (2022)
By Swami Shankarananda Giri
Featuring a new introduction by Swami Nityananda
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Would you like to know how to bring what you want into your life without struggling? Swami Shankarananda describes the spiritual art behind how intentions work and how to make them work for you. You’ll find intentions about love, healing, courage, forgiveness, improving relationships, releasing negative emotions, and much more.
A REMINDER TO INCLUDE INTENTION AND JOY IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE - “Swami Shankarananda embodied transcendence, and taught it. His teachings and writing on the mystical altered the course of my life and I have never looked back. There is a message that life is sublime throughout his writings. As he said many times, the soul is consciousness, existence and bliss absolute. It is the "bliss absolute" that comes through in so many of his writings. This is a book of intentions, which he strongly and blissfully believed in. His writings are, for me, a complete package with emphasis on personal joy and happiness, so the title of this book doesn't surprise me. I hope you enjoy reading it!” —Eric Jennings
THE LITTLE-KNOWN SECRET IS INTENTIONS REALLY WORK! - “When we are in the midst of daily troubles or concerns, Swami Shankarananda advises us to ask ourselves, "What are my resources? What do I have to work with, here?" One such resource is this book, as it can be used to help 'shift" or reframe our often negative thoughts to positive ones. Swami is a master of this kind of reframing, and he empowers us to "master" our thoughts and intentions with this powerful resource.” —Generic Hiker