Join us Friday nights at 7:30 p.m. online via Zoom or YouTube.
Visit our calendar page for links and more information.
All are welcome!

To find your way back to our Zoom gathering, please click the blue icon with the movie camera on your computer’s task bar.

We warmly invite your support.* Your gifts make it possible for AYM to continue sharing sacred teachings of truth, kindness, and healing. Thank you!

* Awake Yoga Meditation / Darshan Charitable Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization and all eligible contributions are fully tax deductible. Please note that payments for goods or services (for example: books, CDs, and conferences), or gifts to Swami Nityananda, are not tax deductible.


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If you are purchasing multiple recordings, please specify all the dates in the text field. After you click “Buy Now,” you will be able to specify the quantity before you check out.

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