Kriya Yoga: Inner Path to God
Talk 2 - Svadisthan
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You can stream the talk below or you can download it to your own device by clicking on the download button on the player (a down arrow with a line under it). The file is 193 MB.
About the Series
Available on MP3 for the first time, this beloved series of talks on the “spiritual science of Self-enlightenment” were presented live by Awake Yoga Meditation founder and Kriya Master Swami Shankarananda, before he left the body in 2014. Each talk beautifully describes the function of one of the seven chakras and its role in the process of self-unfoldment. Each talk shares some specific techniques that you can use right now to either enhance your existing meditation practice or prepare for your own Kriya Yoga journey.
To learn more about Kriya Yoga instruction click here.