Transform your fear, doubt, sadness, hurt, and pain into love so you can consistently experience joy, peace, and freedom in your daily life.


Available starting July 12 for paid subscribers of Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda on Substack



You are warmly invited to a new eCourse: Love: The Eternal Flame of Life within You.

Learn how to expand trust that the light in you never sees darkness. It shines unconditionally. It loves unconditionally. Through 15 video lessons, spiritual principles, and activation practices, Swami Nityananda helps you discover how to connect with, work with, and expand the love that is already within you. Transform your fear, doubt, sadness, hurt, and pain into love so you can consistently experience joy, peace, and freedom in your daily life.

This eCourse supports long-time meditators and those new to the spiritual path.

Enjoy unfolding magnificent light within yourself!

What will you receive?

Exclusives for the Original Live Cohort (running July 12-26):

  • One lesson in your email inbox each morning (and pushed to your Substack app if you have chosen to download it)

  • Invitation to attend an eCourse PlayShop* with Swami Nityananda at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, July 12

  • Invitation to attend an eCourse Practicum** with Dhruv at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, July 26

  • Invitation to attend two eCourse Peer Discussion Group Sessions*** hosted by Dhruv at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 14, and Sunday, July 21

All paid Substack subscribers receive:

  • 15 videos with inspiring lessons shared by Swami Nityananda

  • 15 spiritual principles

  • 15 integration practices

  • Recording of the eCourse PlayShop* from the Original Live Cohort

  • Recording of the eCourse Practicum** from the Original Live Cohort

  • Access to lessons via the Substack website and app (as well as other benefits)

*PlayShops offer spiritual principles that connect you with greater love and show you how to play with those principles.

**Practicums offer opportunities for you to apply the techniques from the eCourse to simulated scenarios for practice.

***Peer Discussion Group Sessions are private, supportive, and unrecorded sessions with no agenda where we hold space for eCourse participants to be together among peers and discuss topics related to the eCourse.


MODULE 1: Connecting with Love

  • 🔆 Lesson 1: Noticing the Divine Qualities within Yourself

  • 🔆 Lesson 2: Loving the Divine

  • 🔆 Lesson 3: Loving Unconditionally

MODULE 2: Working with Love

  • 🔆 Lesson 4: Recognizing and Dissolving Moments of Self-Separateness

  • 🔆 Lesson 5: Working with Love to Turn the Other Cheek

  • 🔆 Lesson 6: Working with Love to Overcome Your Fear (Part 1)

  • 🔆 Lesson 7: Working with Love to Overcome Your Fear (Part 2)

  • 🔆 Lesson 8: Working with Love to Expand Your Serenity and Steadiness

  • 🔆 Lesson 9: Working with Love to Expand Your Calm and Peace

MODULE 3: Expanding Love in Your Life

  • 🔆 Lesson 10: Cultivating Devotion to Unconditional Love

  • 🔆 Lesson 11: Living in Love 24/7

  • 🔆 Lesson 12: How Meditation Expands Your Love

  • 🔆 Lesson 13: Directing Your Attention Inward

  • 🔆 Lesson 14: How Karma Yoga Expands Your Love

  • 🔆 Lesson 15: How Kriya Yoga Expands Your Love

How to Register (2 Steps)

STEP 1: Become a Paid Subscriber on Substack

This eCourse will be delivered on our Feel Love Now with Swami Nityananda Substack. All paid subscribers will receive it along with access to our eCourse archives (from May 2024 onward) and many other benefits.

Not a subscriber yet? Subscribe below and then upgrade to a paid subscription.

Already a free subscriber? Upgrade to a paid subscription:

STEP 2: Make a Self-Determined Tuition Donation

eCourses are lovingly offered in addition to our regular Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday meditations and the related Substack replays, podcasts, and articles that are derived from them. Participants describe eCourses as beautiful, potent, and self-transformative. eCourses are specially designed and created to give you access to self-empowering teachings that can be integrated into your daily life. A donation is appreciated to support this increased offering. Tuition is self-determined. Give generously in accordance with what you can give right now. Regardless of how much you choose to donate, you will receive the same content.

Questions? Please email or message us on Substack.