Mastering Your Patterns
Have you ever promised yourself that you would not snap at a friend or a family member, but the moment they irritated you, you fell into the same pattern of anger and frustration? Have you ever promised yourself that you would do something, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't get started? If you've felt like you were stuck in a mental or emotional loop that you just couldn't break, the Mastering Your Patterns workshop is for you. The yogis tell us about samskaras, emotional and mental patterns that influence our behaviors and habits. We'll explore what these patterns are, how to identify them, and how to heal them.
Participants should come ready to dive deep and explore their own patterns. The best way to prepare for this workshop is to show up vulnerable and totally ready to let go of whatever is ready to be released. Expect healing, and know that you have the power to free yourself of old, stale, unhealthy patterns. Discussion, journaling, and meditation included.
Meet the Workshop Leader
Kashi (Ashley) loves meditating, reading, and daily fruit smoothies. Her favorite quote is “Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached,” spoken by Swami Vivekananda and inspired by the Upanishads. Her main hobby is learning how to live with a pure and open heart.
She is a student of Swami Nityananda. The spiritual name Kashi, which means “shining of the Divine” and “sacred city of light,” was given by Swami Nityananda, the spiritual teacher of the Awake Yoga Meditation community.
Workshop Dates:
Join us on Zoom for three Fridays in November from 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday, November 12, 2021
What are patterns?
Friday, November 19, 2021
How do I identify my patterns?
Friday, November 26, 2021
How do I heal my patterns?

How much does the workshop cost?
This workshop is donation based. Everyone who participates is asked to make a donation that feels right, fair, and generous. What is a workshop like this worth to you? How will it benefit and transform you? What value will it bring to your life? Whatever number you come up with, donate that. Donations for the workshop are made when you enroll in the course.
We encourage participants to attend all three sessions to receive the maximum benefit. Each session builds upon the last, but even showing up once (or two or three times!) can have a profound effect. So you can attend as little or as often as you’d like. You’ll receive a welcome email with information about accessing the workshop the day before the first workshop session.

Questions About the Workshop?