Opening to the Heart of Service, the Divine Heart of Oneness

Divine Grace, giver of all gifts, giver of my life and Life itself, I offer my life to you, to shape and transform as you will, that I may be lifted into the Light and of ever-greater service to the Light. Use me as you will. Let me offer you all my desires, and let them be purified in the fire of divine service, so that I want only what the Divine wants for me, I serve only the highest good and allow the divine plan to unfold through and for me fully.

Let me be breathed by the breath of God consciously in every moment, embraced by God in every action, reveling always in sacred Stillness. Let me be your divine child, who is so simple and clear and pure that in me there is no guile, no selfishness, only joy and boundless strength and energy.

Let me love you totally, Divine Grace, in absolute purity, seeing you and serving you in all. Let me wake in the morning connected with you, sleep at night embraced by you. All through the night, let me rest in your arms of infinite caring and renewal, so that each day, I arise with joy, eager to be of service to you again this morn, thankful to walk through another day with my divine companion, the Divine Mother, the Emperor of Light. Let me love you and be with you so purely that every breath is living adoration, wonder, and blessing.

Let me be so humble that I am not afraid to allow your shining magnificence be shared and served through me. Let me share your blessings abundantly, and be blessed by you totally.

With reverence and devotion, and purity of consciousness and heart,

Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti, Amen.

As we offer this prayer, we open to receive blessings that support divine service in all arenas of our meditation community and of our lives. As we offer this prayer, we bless ourselves, our own journey, and all those who benefit as we lift ourselves in consciousness. As we offer this prayer, we honor all who serve divine Oneness, and strengthen and energize ourselves in doing the same.  

Awake Yoga Meditation