Prayer for Hospice

Divine Grace, giver of all gifts, I thank you with all my heart for being the light that shines in the one I know as (________________). 

I thank you for your infinite guidance, protection, mercy, blessing, and beauty, in every moment of this journey, from the infinite, into this beautiful world and beyond.

I thank you for surrounding and filling (her/him), me, and all who love (her/him) with the most tender support and steady strength and kindness. 

Allow us to fill ourselves with the peace that passeth understanding, the healing that goes on forever, the love that cannot ever leave us. 

Let us know that what is real and eternal is always with us, that our connection in oneness always guides our way on. 

We are together forever in pure love, in pure light, and the pure grace of healing is present in every moment of our travels. 

Let us say to one another what beautiful things we long to say in words. And let us know that the silent, wordless communion we share is always speaking much deeper than words, expressing all perfectly. 

We thank you for your presence, for your touch of light, for helping all of us receive and share perfect caring. 

Let our hearts be filled with gratitude, with peace, with pure love. We thank you for gathering us in this circle of light and love, and for letting us feel and know your divine embrace right now in every cell of our body. 

We live and move and breathe and have our being in that one circle of light and love. 

All the stages and phases of our journey are the divine breath breathing through us, with us, as us. The divine breath moves us forward always, moves us through all that is. And in that divine breath, all is peace, all is presence. 

With infinite gratitude and hearts full of love, we thank you forever, Divine Sweetness, Divine Grace.  Amen.

Awake Yoga Meditation