All In, Together
Thank you for helping these sacred teachings ripple onward. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Namaste!
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to Awake Yoga Meditation→
You may also send checks payable to Awake Yoga Meditation, P.O. Box 65308 Baltimore, MD 21209
Make a gift
to Swami Nityananda→
You may also send a check made payable to Swami Nityananda to Awake Yoga Meditation, P.O. Box 65308, Baltimore, MD 21209. Please write "gift" in the memo line.
Awake Yoga Meditation / Darshan Charitable Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization and all eligible contributions are fully tax deductible. Please note that payments for goods or services (for example: books, CDs, and conferences), or gifts to Swami Nityananda, are not tax deductible.