
The Yoga of the Lord's Prayer
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“Teach us to pray,” his disciples asked Jesus. And Jesus answered by giving them, and all human beings, the Lord’s Prayer. This book teaches us to let our very lives become transformed, uplifted, remade in the shining energy of prayer. The book shares sacred principles, living waters of yoga and of Jesus’ teachings. With clarity and precision, humor and grace, we are guided ever deeper into the divine union embodied by Jesus and available freely for all of us to enjoy. As we read, each line becomes a spiritual light, helping us live the deepest calling of our own hearts: to revel in peace and purpose, to worship and adore the divine, to be of service to Life itself. Fruit of a lifetime of prayer, service, wisdom, meditation, and divine love, the book offers profound insight. The writing is universal in its outlook and appeal, even as it fully honors yoga and the Lord’s Prayer. Wholeness, inspiration, and renewal are ours, thanks to such truth and devotion.
A PERFECT BOOK FOR A PERFECT PRAYER “I have several books by Swami Shankarananda and this is my favorite. He has given us a profound gift with this extraordinary book. While masterfully uncovering the spiritual truths of each phrase of this sublime prayer, he also provides a guide to living a prayerful life that is accessible to everyone. He states, "The purpose of this prayer is to show us how to live in the consciousness of God, how to come to that state of Self-awareness wherein we fully realize God's presence and blessings." This is a perfect description for this book as well.” —Nightowl9
FIVE STARS - “A lovely and enlightening book.” —Heatherfish