More Ways of Giving


Write a Check

If you'd like to write a check, please make it payable to AYM and mail it to PO Box 65308, Baltimore, MD, 21209. 

Legacy Giving

Legacy giving is a profound way to ensure your giving spirit endures beyond a lifetime. Consult with your financial advisor about how to include AYM in your will, trust, or estate plans.


Sponsorships offer a direct avenue to bolster the reach of AYM’s offerings. By sponsoring workshops, eCourses, or gifting books, you directly facilitate someone's journey towards wisdom and open heartedness.

Matching Gifts

Companies often boost employee charitable donations through their matching gift initiatives. These programs often match, double, or even triple your contribution. Before donating to AYM, consult your employer to potentially amplify the impact of your gift.

Gifts in Kind

Gifts in Kind are a distinctive means to support AYM’s mission. We deeply appreciate offerings that come in the form of essential goods, services, or expertise.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving offers a multifaceted approach to supporting AYM while optimizing your tax benefits. Donating long-term appreciated securities not only entitles you to an income tax deduction but also allows you to bypass capital gains taxes on any unrealized appreciation. Gifts of tangible assets, such as artworks, jewelry, collectibles, or even real estate, have substantial impacts on our mission. Whether it's shares from mutual funds, intellectual property rights like copyrights, or tangible assets like real estate, each donation is subject to specific tax benefits.