
Write:Arise! The humble caterpillar spins a cocoon and emerges as a glorious butterfly, flying free, gathering nectar, and spreading joy. Like the caterpillar withdrawing into its cocoon, meditation and journaling offer a deeply quiet space to connect with Divine Grace and emerge with the highest vision for our soul’s unfoldment in this life.

Join Swami Nityananda for a 16-day guided journey of self-discovery and give yourself the opportunity to listen to the still small voice within that is always speaking to us, reminding us of who we really are and what we have come to do. Prepare to let the illusion of limitation and separation fall away and burst forth in the infinite light, love, joy, peace, and purpose that you are in this moment and always! Expand in spiritual strength that provides total support and well-being of Soul.

What will you receive?

You will receive 16 daily messages from Swami Nityananda. Swami has compiled sacred teachings and inspiring stories which, together with questions on which you are asked to reflect and meditate, will propel you beyond mere beliefs to deeper realization and genuine transformation. 

How much does it cost?

Tuition for all our eCourses is self-determined. If that seems unusual and intriguing, click the button below to learn more and to register.

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