Prayer for Transformation

Pray, Lord, forgive me for my faults, my shortcomings. They are too numberless for me to count, but with your good humor and omniscience, you know them all, and love me anyway.

Pray, Lord, help me take responsibility—help me respond, help me bring balance, into the areas of my life where I have caused harm to myself or others, where I have not taken the high road, where I can do better.

Pray, Lord, help me move forward in clarity and peace, in forgiveness of myself and of all, in letting go of all that I can let go, in order to move forward in brightness, in renewal, in steadiness, in kindness, in courage.

Pray, Lord, fill me with your good humor, so that I can appreciate all that you bless me with—even my quirks are infinite, as your entire creation is infinite. Help fill me with your light, so that I am your light in motion, your love in action, your grace and kind laughter shared with all I meet.

Pray, Lord, let me see clearly the ways that I can do better, knowing that the Divine is the only doer, and that I am your partner, I am your instrument, if grace let it be so that I may do my part, allowing the Divine to do all, to be all.

Pray, Lord, let me bring understanding and compassion to my own heart, and then let it overflow me so that I bring only understanding and compassion into the lives of all I meet.

Pray, Lord, let me be your patience and strength in embodiment—not rushing, and not stagnant—content and always aspiring—unfolding with the power and the beauty of the seasons, of the waves, of wind, of the mountains and the plains.

Pray, Lord, let me be your love, your kindness, your healing, your forgiveness, your gladness. Pray let me see with your eyes, so that all I look upon is visible to me as your love. Pray let me express with your heart, so that all you express through me is your love.

Pray, Lord, let me be clear and graceful about inviting your light to lift me up; thank you for allowing to fall away all that is ready to fall away; thank you for welcoming your new life within me, and shared through me.

I see on the altar of your infinite heart a shining lotus of light, in full bloom. Into that lotus of light I place all my own doubts and fears, all my limitations. And into that lotus of light, I place myself, knowing that you will share blessed light through me, in full bloom.

I thank you, beloved Lord, for your mercy, for your compassion, for melting away from me all that is finite, for welcoming to me and through me all that is infinite and blessed, beautiful and good.

I give you my life, beloved Lord, knowing it is always yours. It is all yours.

And so I rest in the Lord. And so grace becomes visible. Amen.

Awake Yoga Meditation