Our Highest Good and Deepest Gladness

We offer these prayers and intentions with a pure heart, for ourselves and for all beings. We remember that Swami Shankarananda taught, when you pray for yourself, include all beings in that prayer; if you cannot include all beings in your prayer, expand your prayer until it includes all beings!

For ourselves and for all, with God’s joy and with our whole hearts, lives, and beings, we pray:

To live as fully as we can from Divine Light, Trust, and Grace, by bringing forth and standing more fully in divine potential within ourselves.

To move beyond self-limitation and live more fully from limitless consciousness.

To focus on and give thanks for the preciousness that life is.

To leave behind old energy patterns and be more fully present in the beautiful now.

To give our energy to what is in alignment with our highest purpose and divine nature.

To focus on, access, and connect with beauty, peace, and joy in ourselves and others.

To honor our divine value, worth, and nature, and everyone’s divine value, worth, and nature.

To live our divine signature energy more fully.

To complete our projects and begin optimal new projects.

To welcome high quality work, clients, friendships, relationships, opportunities, connections, that fully honor ourselves and all, that are supportive and help ourselves and all succeed, prosper, and thrive, that help ourselves and all connect with and strengthen our divine journey.

To welcome abundance in many forms, creating opportunity for more steadiness, peace, freedom, and expansion in all areas of our lives.

To create a solid spiritual and earthly foundation from which we can allow the Divine Song to sing through us.

To strengthen our relationships, including with our children, parents, family, partner, friends, and to welcome new divine friendships.

To be of service now and ongoingly in ways that surpass our lives here on earth, have tremendous value, serve generations to come, and are wholly supported and blessed by both divine and earthly support.

May the consciousness of the Christ bless everyone on our beloved earth.

May peace and healing bless the world and our friends and family and all friends and families.

May our hearts, minds, lives, cities, countries, and world enjoy deep healing peace.

May we and all be guided by and live the peace of God that is everywhere always.

May all who face or have experienced health challenges receive the blessings of healing, caring, kindness, strength, support of the Divine expressed optimally in support of their entire self.

May all who experience feelings of loneliness enjoy a profound feeling of connection from their heart to the Divine, and in turn to all human sisters and brothers on the planet.

May all who experience feelings of tiredness connect directly with the Source of all strength, energy, and support.

May all who experience feelings of constraint in sharing space with other beloved humans and animals feel and connect directly with the Source of all freedom, expansiveness, and ease.

May all who experience moments of feeling overwhelmed connect directly with God, the source of all solutions, all resolutions, all forward movement, with ease and grace.

May all who long for spiritual love connect directly with pure Love that lives, breathes, moves, and has its sacred being in every cell of our bodies, in every facet of our lives.

May all choose to rejoice and revel in oneness with the Divine, in oneness with all.

May all choose to listen inwardly and be guided by what the Divine reveals to us moment to moment, giving such thanks for clear, direct divine guidance, grace, and support.

May our loved ones who are no longer here physically with us feel our love and be blessed and supported on the ongoing journey their souls are enjoying.

May we feel always sweet strength and love from our ancestors and loved ones.

May all who experience grief walk through their human feelings guided by Grace to deep understanding, wisdom, compassion, and healing.

May all who seek employment find work that honors and supports them as they honor and support all.

May all stand tall in kindness and love.

May all beings experience the love, harmony, beauty, joy, and peace of the Divine.

May every one of us take small practical steps every day to live these intentions, knowing that small steps add up to great understanding, joy, love, and compassion.

I intend to begin each day by attuning myself to the Divine and inviting the Divine to share through me whatever it would love to share.

I intend to remember the Divine is the only doer, and divine timing is always perfect.

I intend to remember with humility the beautiful perfection of my soul, and the beautiful perfection of everyone and everything else.

I intend to pay attention to every judgment and reaction, recognizing them as gifts showing me what I need to forgive, heal, and release.

I intend to be fully present in every moment.

I intend to trust the divine order that always is in operation.

I intend to honor my body by listening to and acting upon what is most supportive of its vitality.

I intend to relax into the knowingness that the Divine has my back, always.

I intend to embrace the unknown with courage and optimism.

I intend to invite, listen, and act on divine inspiration.

I intend to be helpful and hopeful for friends and strangers and do my part to bless the world.

I pray to be forgiven for any and all ways that I have been unmindful, careless, reckless, unkind, or hurtful to anyone.

I vow to live in the knowing that each moment is new and that every person is not the same person they were the moment before.

I promise to see everyone as a child of God, to love them, be kind to them, and see the best in them.

I choose to stand steady in God’s wisdom and love and send inner blessings in the face of judgment, criticism, and gossip.

May all beings everywhere feel God’s love and share it with all those whom they encounter.

May we see the light of God in the eyes of all we meet and remember, they are mine own self.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me.  Bless thy holy name. 

May absolute peace pervade the whole universe.

May absolute peace manifest through us to bless the world.

May absolute peace abide in us as we abide in it, now and forevermore.

May all beings be fed and well, blessed with all that is needed.

May all beings be blessed with abundance of joy and peace, open to receive all the gifts that are being bestowed now.

May we be open to peace, light, love.

May we be open to Self-remembrance, wisdom, realization.

May we be open to blessings, compassion, discernment.

May we be open to non-attachment, solutions, kindness.

May we share peace, kindness, light, love, caring.

May we share forgiveness, togetherness, acceptance, cooperation.

May we share equipoise, positivity, being of service.

May we share understanding.

May we share silence.

May all that unfolds be for the highest good of all.

May we recognize, honor, and align with God’s love and God’s wisdom all the days of our lives.

May we be instruments of divine peace and human understanding.

May we live God’s joy, which flows through us as we align with divine unfoldment.

Aum shanti shanti shanti


Awake Yoga Meditation