What can a mother octopus teach us about surrendering?
A teaching from Murali
Modeling supreme devotion
I recently watched a nature documentary that included rare video of a mother octopus in the wild. This mother deposited her eggs in a cramped cave and stayed continuously with the eggs without eating for six months.
All her waking hours were spent stroking the eggs and blowing oxygenated water over them. Hours after her eggs hatch, the mother dies of starvation.
I found myself wondering a lot about this supremely devoted octopus mother, the impulse that allows her to surrender so completely, and the mysterious divine love and wisdom that directs the whole drama.
Letting go of control
Our own direct experience can reveal that this mystery called God, life, or reality naturally moves and directs our life in one direction. It moves to awaken in each of its forms or expressions. It moves towards self-awareness and self-consciousness while in form. It moves to realize its true nature and identity beyond the body and limited sense of personhood. It moves to express and share itself more and more fully in embodiment.
Our direct experience also shows that this mystery does not need help from conditioned minds and thinking. It doesn’t need the mind to control and direct our awakening. Only this mystery knows how and when this awakening can unfold in each of its expressions. Only this mystery can direct the unfoldment because it is the one playing all the parts.
“Only this mystery knows how and when this awakening can unfold in each of its expressions.”
When we see what is not needed, then we can explore letting go of control and interference with our natural unfoldment. We discover how it actually feels to relax, listen, and consciously cooperate with whatever way this mystery flows.
This capacity to consciously and joyfully offer our whole being to this mystery is the greatest opportunity, gift, grace, and blessing of human birth.
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If you are interested in learning more about what a mother octopus can teach us about surrendering, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
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