Why do I not feel at peace?
A teaching from Sri Swami Shankarananda Giri
Where is your focus?
Peace gives us the recognition that so long as peace prevails in our heart and mind, no matter what happens outwardly, we remain firmly centered in the feeling of well-being. If we do not experience peace, we need but remind ourselves of the light of peace that is ever available to us.
Sometimes it’s difficult for us to feel peace for the simple reason that we have been too absorbed in focusing on the absence of peace. Whenever we focus on the absence of peace, peace is absent. All we need to do is decide that peace is more important than anything else in terms of the turbulence and agitations and the political shenanigans.
“Sometimes it’s difficult for us to feel peace for the simple reason that we have been too absorbed in focusing on the absence of peace.”
None of those generate peace, so if we want to have peace, let’s seek inner guidance. The light of peace will bring that to us.
The catalyst
In scripture we are promised peace on earth. Many think that promise was in vain. But I am self-persuaded that that promise will become reality because an enlightened being is one with the Source. What such a being brings forth from that light of being is truth, and no human, no politics, no country has the power to prevent peace from coming on earth. Peace is our divine inheritance.
If you are not experiencing peace, instead of complaining about it, see it as a messenger, a catalyst. See it as your soul giving you a signal, saying to you, “I know what you want. Why don’t you ask me for it? But you have to come unto me if you want to find peace.”
Then wherever you go, you are the center of peace unto the world. You don’t have to establish peace centers. You only have to discover the center of peace within yourself. Then it has to radiate.
The first evidence that you have found peace within is that you no longer feel the desire to react, you no longer feel the need to justify being who you are, doing what you do, or loving what you love.
Step back every time you want to react. Ask yourself, “Will reaction bring me peace?” You know very well it won’t.
When your desire for peace becomes greater than your desire to practice resistance or harbor ill will or hateful thoughts toward anyone, then you are ready to experience peace.
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If you are interested in learning more about why you may not be feeling peace, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
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