Have you ever said the Lord's Prayer like this?
A teaching from Srimati Shanti Mataji
The Self that equally indwells all beings
When we offer the Lord’s Prayer, what or whom do we have in mind as we are praying?
Most of humanity probably thinks of a God in the heavens, a God outside themselves.
Have we ever uttered the Lord’s Prayer in the consciousness that we are praying to our own inner Being first, and by extension, to the Self that equally indwells all beings?
A fresh approach
It could go like this, or whatever words we would choose:
O Father-Mother-My own beloved Self, your presence is bliss and therefore I carry within me the certainty of total realization of bliss. (Our Father which art in heaven)
My nature is holy because I am thy own embodiment. (Hallowed be thy name/nature)
The fullness of who I am is already here, and I pray for that fullness to be part of my living realization; for I know it is the will of my supreme Self to reveal Its fullness in my consciousness [heaven] as well as in my body, mind, and surroundings [earth]. (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven)
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash
I thank you for supplying all my needs this day, for I acknowledge that thy grace is indeed my sufficiency in all things. (Give us this day our daily bread)
Uplift my consciousness so that I may forgive myself for any shortcomings or faults I may perceive in myself and that I may forgive anyone against whom I hold the tiniest thought of judgment or nervousness or ill-will. (Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors)
I intend to be vigilant over all my thoughts so that I cultivate only those thoughts and feelings that are uplifting, that bring joy, and that sustain me in the remembrance of my holiness and my creative potencies. (Let us not enter into temptation)
Though this body may come and go, I acknowledge my true essence, which is eternal — my own Self within me that carries the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. (For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever)
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If you are interested in learning more about the potency of the Lord’s Prayer, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
Taking our 21-day yogic breath and meditation eCourse Ignite joy
Reading the The Yoga of the Lord’s Prayer by enlightened Kriya master and Awake Yoga Meditation founder Swami Shankarananda
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