How to get the love you want
A teaching from Sri Swami Shankarananda Giri
We all have the potential
All the experiences you have offer a means to transform your awareness, your thinking. Call on the name of God 24 hours a day if you want to transform your thinking. Use whatever mantram you know, such as, “Hallowed be thy name.” Holy is thy name. What is your name? Wholeness is your true name, or divine nature.
The practice
Meditate on the wholeness and integrity of your being. Such meditation will help you maintain your integrity. That is part of transfiguration, or self-transformation. Jesus’ transfiguration shows what we all have the potential to do. And he wanted us to know that.
Then practice the silence. Be still and know. Be still and ask for what you want to know.
Then be still again and listen for the voice out of the infinite consciousness that expresses through the God-presence, through the master, through the disciples. Drop the mind. Be still.
And then practice forgiveness.
Practicing forgiveness
I came across a remarkable anecdote relating to my paramguru, Swami Yogananda Paramhansa.
The visiting ambassador of India went with others to see Yogananda at his ashram. Included in the group was a man who had despised Yogananda for years and spoke disparagingly about him.
Yogananda drew the man aside and said, “I will love you forever. Why don’t we work together?” The man was so stunned to be treated with such love by the man he had hated with a passion that he was changed forever.
Forgiveness for everyone
I will always love you. Practice forgiveness for everyone against whom you have a complaint or a grievance.
They are not getting the love they need, and you aren’t giving the love you want. Did you get that? Give the love another needs, and give yourself the love you want, and you will be transformed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
“Give the love another needs, and give yourself the love you want, and you will be transformed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. ”
Remember, transformation precedes transfiguration. Are you ready to welcome your own transfiguration?
Let us remember that transfiguration applies to this planet as well as to individuals. The truth is we have actually been entrusted with the fate and destiny of the world. Please understand this: We bear the great responsibility of transforming the spiritual reality of this physical realm!
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