How paying it forward helps you progress on your path
A teaching from Padma
“Do you want the whole divine channa (milk curd) for yourself alone? Could you or anyone else achieve God-communion through yoga if a line of generous-hearted masters had not been willing to convey their knowledge to others?”
The Guru
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells us that all beings have embedded within them the desire to realize their forgotten spiritual perfection and that those who have already attained higher states of realization bless and assist others on their journey. In turn, our appreciation and efforts to practice the teachings and truths they share with us bless and assist these beings in progressing further on their own path. In a wake-up bolt of admonishment, Krishna also says that by accepting and prospering from the gifts of great souls without fulfilling our duty to honor them, we are actually thieves.
The Sanskrit term “guru” is often translated as “remover of darkness.” Some Eastern traditions celebrate Guru Purnima, a time to honor the guru, the teacher who shows the way, removing the darkness of ignorance and revealing the light of wisdom and truth. While all illumined teachers say that the true guru is the Divine that resides within every heart, it is also true that the Divine manifests as illumined teachers in embodiment for seekers ready and so inclined.
Guru Purnima
In the West, Guru Purnima is usually observed on the full moon in July. While a typical celebration is a joyous occasion that may include singing, dancing, chanting, feasting, and garlanding the guru with flowers, the enduring honor we offer our teachers, and indeed, the one supreme Teacher, is to live their teachings by sharing unconditional love, wisdom, forgiveness, service, compassion, peace, and generosity with all we encounter.
Whether we feel we have a guru in or out of embodiment, we all have the Divine within who is lovingly guiding and supporting our unfoldment day by day through all our experiences. We can celebrate Guru Purnima every day by giving thanks for all teachers and every being who helps us progress on our path, and paying it forward by sharing that progress with all.
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If you are interested in learning more about how paying it forward helps you progress on your path, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
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