How your creativity connects you to the Divine
A teaching from Karuna
“Today I will plow the garden of life with my new creative efforts. Therein I will sow seeds of wisdom, health, prosperity, and happiness. I will water them with self-confidence and faith, and will wait for the Divine to give me my much-needed harvest.”
The Voice of God
Creativity is the voice of God, the Divine expressing through each of us. When we allow our creativity to come forth, we are tuning in to the energy of the Source of all manifestation. Our very lives reflect the ultimate creative process.
One bright spot in what could be described as a bleak time has been the joy of witnessing an abundance of creative expression. It is clear that we are not content to accept separation as a fact of life. The creative imperative can’t help but bridge the gap of physical distance to build community and celebrate oneness.
Early on in this time of social distancing, our hearts were moved by members of a world-class symphony playing Beethoven’s Ninth together, yet each from a separate location. The video is a beautiful and powerful demonstration of many people coming together in love to share their unique talents, bringing us together with an exquisite common experience. Many others have been inspired to come together to share their gifts in a similar fashion, from deejaying Saturday night dance parties on Zoom to making masks for health care workers and friends.
Give Form to a Joyful Idea
Divine Grace is reflected in the countless ways people have infused fun into the midst of a stay-at-home order.
While taking a walk through the neighborhood the other day, I came across a charming zoo. There was a variety of stuffed animals—snakes, lions, dogs, crocodiles—occupying the front yard. Each was accompanied by a poster in a child’s handwriting, reciting obscure, fun facts about each species. (Who knew that although a crocodile has the strongest bite of any animal, the muscles that open its mouth are so weak you can hold its mouth closed with your hands?) The zoo was joyful to behold. Someone had taken the time and energy to give form to a joyful idea, no doubt hoping, but not knowing, that it would bring joy to another.
What better way to honor the Divine than allowing the Divine to share its infinite reservoir of joy and creativity through us? According to Ram Dass, inspiration is God making contact with Itself. Therefore, the result can’t help but be a gift to ourselves and to others.
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If you are interested in learning more about how your creativity connects you to the Divine, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
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