3 Ways To Attract More Joy Into Your Life
A teaching from Swami Shankarananda
1 . Make up your mind to live in joy
It’s as simple as deciding that it’s more important to experience joy than to live in misery.
Bliss is God. You’ll never realize God unless you make up your mind to live in joy. Bliss is the fulfillment of joy.
The basic question you have to ask yourself is this: What state of consciousness do you want to live in for the rest of your life—not just today, but the rest of your life? Out of what state of consciousness do you want to observe the world? Once you’ve decided, I guarantee that you will attract every means imaginable to make your choice your reality.
Seek to realize joy within yourself because that’s the only place lasting joy is found. You cannot seek your joy unless you decide to look for what is best within you amidst everything else that you think is not the best.
2. Give loving attention to joy
Whatever you worry about or give your loving attention to will grow in your life. If you don’t want to continue manifesting what you don’t want in your life, then you need to be very firm with yourself and say, “I’m going to gain mastery over my mind. I’m the boss of my mind.” You can offer this intention with vigor: I choose self-mastery because I prefer to be in charge of my life. When you are in charge of your life, you are free.
If you say, “I am going to give my loving attention to what I want to feel and know, experience and realize,” then you are energizing what you want with the power of love. Love connects you with anything you seek to know or experience. It will bring to you the feeling of anything else that you want to feel—joy, peace, freedom, gratitude, harmony, well-being.
3. Give loving attention to others
To experience joy is very simple: Give loving attention to others. When you are miserable, see what happens when you think of the well-being of others. You are going to start feeling better, and when you start feeling better, your joy quotient increases.
“Whatever you worry about or give your loving attention to will grow in your life.”
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If you are interested in learning more about ways to attract joy into your life, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
Listening to our podcast from Season 2, Episode 1: Seeing Joy in Everyone and Everything
Taking our workshop: Mastering Your Patterns (starting November 12, 2021)
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