Unexpected places to look for joy
A teaching from Karuna
“No power or miracles can compare with the joy that is God. That perennial happiness is what everyone is seeking. God is ever new joy unto eternity.”
We don’t have to wait
Many of us desire to wipe the slate clean and focus on a fresh start when one year comes to a close and another begins. Especially this past year, which brought challenges to many. We make New Year’s resolutions and set intentions for projects we want to accomplish, for habits we want to develop and those we wish to extinguish.
While there is nothing wrong with adopting resolutions and intentions for the New Year, Sri Yukteswar reminds us we don’t have to wait to hit the reset button. When we are immersed in the Christ consciousness, every day, every moment invites us to experience ever new joy unto eternity.
Imagine if we practiced concentrating our awareness and infusing each and every moment with the breath of the Divine!
When our attention is focused on God, we are constantly unfolding into greater awareness and understanding. We get to consciously choose in every moment how we relate to other beings, to the world, and perhaps most importantly, to ourselves.
No shortage of opportunities
Every moment offers a fresh opportunity to discover the joy that is inherent in being saturated with God-consciousness—knowing that whatever the world serves up, the Divine has our backs. As long as we are in human embodiment, there will be no shortage of opportunities to practice this awareness in difficult circumstances.
We can see problems or we can focus on solutions. We can see abundance, or we can see lack. We can see compassion, or we can see indifference.
As just one example, as our bodies age, we can greet physical challenges with curiosity about what these changes might teach us. We can approach our aches, pains and perceived limitations with the attitude, Behold, all things are indeed new! Or we can grouse and rail against how our body has failed us. Which feels better? Which opens the door to ever new joy?
“We can approach our aches, pains and perceived limitations with the attitude, Behold, all things are indeed new! ”
Living in the present moment with curiosity frees us from anxiety about the future. Our hearts soften and struggle dissipates. Looking at every day through the clear lenses of divine eyeglasses immerses us in the present moment, where only love dwells.
It takes faith in God’s grace to stand courageously in the awareness that every moment is new, and to acknowledge that we don’t know what the next moment will bring.
Can we open our hearts and our minds to welcome in wonder and awe whatever comes next? Can we practice choosing love over fear in the face of whatever the new day brings? The more we choose love, the more we delight in the ever new, and the more joy is ours.
God is ever new joy unto eternity. That realization is the perennial happiness we are seeking.
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If you are interested in learning more about unexpected places to look for joy, there is a wealth of information available online about the teachings of yoga philosophy, Advaita Vedanta, and the mystical teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Hinduism, and Judaism. You are also invited to discover these teachings through Awake Yoga Meditation’s offerings. Based on your interest in this article, you may also enjoy:
Listening to our podcast from Season 2, Episode 1: Seeing Joy in Everyone and Everything
Taking our eCourse: Ignite Joy: A 21-day joyful eCourse journey through yogic breath, meditation, and more
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