Why peace is like a chalkboard
A teaching from Srimati Shanti Mataji
Temporary overlays
We came out dancing on the stage of life, dancing for the joy of being and the delight of exploration in our embodiments. And the stage is the substratum of our existence in this world. That substratum goes by many names, and one of them is peace.
Since God is supreme peace, and the substratum of our existence is God, then one aspect of the substratum of our existence is peace.
But, people say, there is no peace in the world. Look at this country and that one. Think of a blank chalkboard in the classroom. A boy comes up to the blackboard and draws images of war—tanks, dashed lines for bullets, bursting stars for explosions, and airplanes dropping bombs. We know that at the end of the class, the teacher will erase the chalkboard and it will be clear and clean once more.
That clean slate represents the reality of peace, and all the images of sound and fury that appear on that board are but temporary overlays on the unchanging substratum.
Outer pictures or chalkboard drawings
In life, when we watch the outer pictures, we may observe images of war, animosity, small private cruelties, and so on. But the substratum is not affected by any of this.
Living in this world, we have a choice: We can focus on the outer pictures and become discouraged by wars, unkind words, crimes, global warming, and defensive behavior. Or, we can see all these events as drawings on the chalkboard of peace.
That does not mean that we become indifferent to upheavals or to the pain of others. Rather, it means that we switch from focusing and lamenting on the outer picture if it is anything less than peace and wholeness, and we create the image in our minds of perfect peace, light, wholeness.
“We have a choice: We can focus on the outer pictures and become discouraged.... Or, we can see all these events as drawings on the chalkboard of peace. ”
To do this requires nothing less than living in two different worlds at the same time: the one that we observe outwardly which may show chaos and suffering, while at the same time holding firmly to the inner image, thought, projection of this pure expanse of peace and harmony, wholeness and joy.
By the law of resonance, we help create the beautiful picture as a reality for the other, for the world, and certainly in ourselves.
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